Watch out for these 11 silent signs of lymphoma
Lymphoma is a form of cancer that affects the lymphatic system in the body, which is responsible for fighting germs and infections. There are two main types of lymphoma – Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. The symptoms of lymphoma can vary widely between individuals and some of them are often vague, which can be mistaken for other health conditions. It’s important to be aware of some of the silent signs of lymphoma, such as: Swollen lymph nodes As the name suggests, lymphoma primarily affects lymphocytes (white blood cells made in the bone marrow and lymph nodes) in the body. They are mostly concentrated around the neck, groin, armpit, and spleen. To fight off infections, the lymph nodes push the white blood cells into action, which leads to swelling or a feeling of tenderness around the area. However, with lymphoma, the nodes swell up due to the presence of cancerous cells. Most people with swollen lymph nodes due to lymphoma do not report any pain or tenderness. Fever One of the most common signs of immune system activation is a fever. It does so to fight off any infections or in response to cancerous cells. If one keeps developing fevers without any underlying cause, it may signal lymphoma.
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