Nasal Polyps – Symptoms, Triggers, and Management

Nasal Polyps – Symptoms, Triggers, and Management

Nasal Polyps are a significantly underrated problem. Most people only experience minor symptoms, so the polyps are often left untreated until they cause more problems. This article will look at the triggers, symptoms, and management of nasal polyps in more detail. We will start by looking at nasal polyps and what causes them. Finally, we will look at the best ways to treat nasal polyps to ensure that one gets rid of them quickly and safely. What are nasal polyps? Nasal polyps are benign growths on the nasal septum, the cartilage that separates one’s nose from the throat. They’re usually harmless but can cause problems if they block the nasal airway or make breathing difficult. Symptoms of nasal polyps Following are some symptoms of nasal polyps: Headaches Nasal polyps may cause headaches due to their enlarged blood vessels in the skull. The pressure from these enlarged vessels may cause pain behind one’s eyes or along the temples. Snoring Snoring is often caused by an obstruction of airflow through the nose during sleep. This obstruction causes the throat to vibrate, producing a noise known as snoring. Nasal congestion When mucus accumulates in the nose due to blocked airflow, it can cause nasal congestion and an unpleasant smell called rhinorrhea (a discharge from the nose).
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10 Effective Tips for Managing Ulcerative Colitis

10 Effective Tips for Managing Ulcerative Colitis

Chronic inflammation of the large intestine, or ulcerative colitis , is a devastating and exhausting disease that can wreak havoc on every aspect of one’s life. From physical health to mental well-being, ulcerative colitis can take a toll on overall health if left untreated. Here are simple ways to manage ulcerative colitis. By following them under a doctor’s supervision, you can take back control of life and manage the condition better. What is ulcerative colitis? Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes long-lasting inflammation and ulcers in the digestive tract. UC acts on the innermost walls of the large intestine (colon) and rectum. It is a chronic condition that can last for months or even years. Types of ulcerative colitis Ulcerative proctitis is the most common type and accounts for about two-thirds of all UC cases. People with this type have frequent episodes of diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever. Ulcers may form in the rectum or anus. Proctosigmoiditis is less common than ulcerative proctitis but affects more people overall because it causes more severe symptoms, such as bloody diarrhea that may lead to dehydration and malnutrition. Extensive colitis/pancolitis occurs when inflammation spreads beyond the rectum or anus to other parts of the gastrointestinal tract (large intestine and small intestine).
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Natural Remedies and Food Tips to Reduce Wrinkles

Natural Remedies and Food Tips to Reduce Wrinkles

As we age, wrinkles become more and more prominent on our skin. They can be a source of insecurity and make us look older than we are. But the good news is that wrinkles do not have to be permanent; there are ways to eliminate or at least reduce their appearance. This article will explore some natural remedies and food options that help. The tips will help you achieve smoother, wrinkle-free skin. What are wrinkles? Wrinkles, characterized by lines and creases on the skin, are a natural part of aging. They form when the skin loses its elasticity and ability to stretch. They can occur anywhere on the body but are most common around the eyes, mouth, forehead, and nose. Causes of wrinkles As mentioned, the skin becomes less elastic as we age and loses its ability to bounce back after being stretched or pulled. This makes wrinkles more likely to form. But age is only one factor that can cause the condition. Many other factors can also lead to wrinkles, and it is essential to be aware of them, so you can take steps to prevent or reduce their appearance. Some common causes of wrinkles include: Sun damage Exposure to sunlight can cause premature skin aging and, thus, wrinkles.
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Top Ways to Naturally Whiten Yellow Teeth

Top Ways to Naturally Whiten Yellow Teeth

It’s no secret that we all want pearly white teeth. A beautiful smile is one of the first things people notice about you, and it can also boost your self-confidence. While countless teeth-whitening treatments are accessible on the market, including whitening toothpaste, there are a few traditional ways you can naturally whiten your teeth at home. If you’re unaware of the same, read on for some of the best ways to ensure pearly white teeth. The science of teeth and why they go yellow? Teeth are one of the most critical parts of our body and play an essential role in our overall health. They help us eat, speak, and breathe. But teeth aren’t just for eating and talking; they also play a significant role in keeping our mouths healthy. Teeth are made up of dentin, enamel, and pulp (the white part). Dentin is the layer that covers the tooth’s surface, the enamel is the hard outer layer that protects the dentin from damage, and the pulp is left over after we remove all dental tissue (enamel, dentin, and cementum) from around a tooth’s root. When food gets stuck between your teeth or bacteria grows on your teeth, it can cause yellowing or browning of your teeth, which is called periodontal disease.
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13 Best Strategies to Manage Anxiety

13 Best Strategies to Manage Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most prevalent mental health disorders affecting daily life. Many people deal with anxiety and chronic stress and experience symptoms like agitation, nervousness, chest pain, and a racing heart. Over 18% of people in the country deal with anxiety disorders every year. In some people, an overactive thyroid might also cause anxiety disorder. Below are some of the best management options to keep anxiety in check. Scheduling a worrying time It may seem odd, but health experts recommend picking a worrying time when you can think about all your fears on purpose. You can spare thirty minutes of your time to identify things that disturb you and have your worry session. Try doing the same every day at the same time. Do not think about the what-ifs and focus only on the things that trigger your anxiety. Indulging in mindfulness When you feel anxious, you may spend a significant amount of time around the day thinking about all the anxiety-provoking thoughts and ideas. When you become mindful, you learn how to concentrate your attention and bring it back to the present moment, unhooking from all thoughts that may trigger your anxiety. Today, mindfulness is becoming popular as people realize how beneficial it is.
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11 Ways to Manage Anxiety Naturally

11 Ways to Manage Anxiety Naturally

It’s normal to be anxious about certain aspects of everyday life. You can think of anxiety as a by-product of leading a busy life. And it isn’t necessarily bad. A bit of nervousness prepares you for the possible danger and helps you calculate the risks. But, if anxiety becomes a routine affair, you must act before it snowballs. Below we list some natural methods to deal with anxiety every day. Spend time outdoors Getting outdoors and spending time amidst nature can positively impact your mental well-being. Studies prove that spending time in fresh air is an excellent mood elevator. It has significant cognitive benefits and is the perfect way to reduce anxiety. Outdoor time is also advantageous for physical health. Be physically active Exercising is necessary not only for physical health but also for mental health. Though it’s hard to understand the connection between the two, studies suggest that exercising can be an excellent way to alleviate anxiety symptoms. When you’re physically active, you take your mind off the things that bother you. It triggers your body to release endorphin, a natural feel-good hormone. Meditate Meditating slows those racing thoughts of worry and helps manage stress better. You can try various meditation styles, such as meditating during yoga.
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14 Healthy Foods To Manage Atrial Fibrillation

14 Healthy Foods To Manage Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AFIB) is an arrhythmia that affects the heart’s upper chambers. It happens when the electrical impulses controlling these chambers go haywire, resulting in an irregular heartbeat. AFIB is not life-threatening but can aggravate the risk of blood clots, stroke, and congestive heart failure. Though there is no cure, several treatment options and healthy eating habits can help manage the condition. Here are a few heart-healthy foods to keep atrial fibrillation at bay. Black beans Black beans have several heart-healthy compounds like magnesium, antioxidants, and folate that help reduce blood pressure, a prevalent AFIB trigger. It helps manage your blood sugar levels and keep cholesterol in check. One can add black beans to salads and soups, but rinse the canned beans to eliminate all the extra salt sticking to them. Fruits and vegetables Veggies and fruits are excellent vitamin and mineral sources. They are rich in nutritional fiber and low in calories. Fruits and vegetables contain ingredients that help keep heart diseases at bay. Moreover, one can easily cut back on high-calorie foods like snack foods, cheese, and meat by eating vegetables and fruits. Adding fruits and vegetables to your routine is easy. Keep them handy as washed and cut, and put them in your refrigerator to enjoy as a quick snack.
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Breast cancer – Causes, Types, and Prevention

Breast cancer – Causes, Types, and Prevention

Breast cancer is a cancer that occurs in the cells of the breast. There are several types of breast cancer, and the kind depends on which cells in the breast turn malignant. After skin cancer, breast cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer in women in the country. However, breast cancer can occur in women as well as men, but is more common in women. Read on to learn more about breast cancer. Symptoms A lump or mass that feels as small as a pea Change in the contour, shape, or size of the breast Marble-like hardened area underneath the skin Redness of the skin on the nipple or breast Change in the feel or look of the skin on the nipple or breast A thickening or lump in or near the breast or in the underarm, which persists through the menstrual cycle Clear fluid discharge or blood-stain from the nipple The area looks distinctly different from other areas on the breast Newly inverted nipple Some people might not notice any breast cancer signs, so it is vital to undergo routine mammograms. Causes The precise cause for breast cancer is unknown. However, sometimes it is inherited. It is known as hereditary breast cancer.
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Chronic Kidney Disease – Key facts and Remedies

Chronic Kidney Disease – Key facts and Remedies

Also known as chronic kidney failure, chronic kidney disease involves gradually losing kidney function. Kidneys filter excess fluids and waste from the blood through urine. When affected by kidney disease, the organs fail to eliminate the waste, resulting in the accumulation of toxins in the body. One may not experience any symptoms in the early stages. However, if detected, the treatment focuses on slowing the disease progression by addressing the cause. Causes Some of the primary causes of chronic kidney disease are: High blood pressure: Also known as hypertension, this develops when the pressure of the blood against the vessel walls increases. If left unchecked, it might result in kidney disease, strokes, and heart attacks. Conversely, even chronic kidney disease can result in high blood pressure. Diabetes: One is affected by diabetes when their blood sugar levels are too high. If left unchecked, diabetes might cause damage to various parts of the body, like blood vessels, the heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves. Hypertension and diabetes are the primary conditions responsible for approximately two-thirds of all chronic kidney disease cases. Additionally, the following factors also contribute to the risk of developing kidney problems: Inherited diseases: Conditions like polycystic kidney disease are prevalent causes of kidney failure.
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Debunking 10 Common Myths About AMD

Debunking 10 Common Myths About AMD

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a degenerative condition that affects the macula—the small central area of the retina responsible for central vision. The condition is the leading cause of vision loss in those over 50 and is a significant public health issue. Despite its prevalence, there are still many myths and misconceptions about the condition that prevent others from understanding the risks, symptoms, prevention, and management of age-related macular degeneration. Symptoms Early signs of AMD include a sudden change in vision, such as more blurriness or distortion than usual. One may also experience difficulty reading fine print or recognizing faces at a close distance. As the disease progresses, one may lose peripheral vision and eventually be unable to see anything beyond 20 feet (6 meters). Other symptoms include loss of eyesight in one or both eyes, change in color perception, and trouble driving or walking at night due to poor visibility at dusk and dawn. Common myths about AMD The condition is rare There are many myths about the disease, but one of the most prevalent one is that the condition is rare. However, millions of people experience some form of age-related macular degeneration, i.e., it affects nearly 1 in 10 people over the age of 50.
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