Identifying and Managing Psoriatic Arthritis

Identifying and Managing Psoriatic Arthritis

The occurrence of red, scaly skin patches and intense joint pain is usually indicative of psoriatic arthritis. It’s a form of inflammatory arthritis with symptoms such as joint stiffness, swelling in the wrists and fingers, fatigue, and back pain. Knowing its causes and treatments can help manage this potentially disabling disease. This blog will discuss what causes psoriatic arthritis, how to identify its symptoms, and which foods may benefit people with psoriatic arthritis. What triggers psoriatic arthritis? Psoriatic arthritis may affect joints such as the spine, fingers, toes, and hips. It’s normally diagnosed through simple lab tests to detect inflammation and antibody levels in the body. Its symptoms are stiff joints, body pain, swelling in different body parts, tiny dents in nails, inflammation, difficulty walking or climbing stairs, and fatigue. The condition may be triggered by severe stress, infections, certain treatments, the use of tobacco, injuries or wounds. If you experience these symptoms and need psoriatic arthritis relief, you must consult your healthcare provider immediately. The following are a few methods of treatment for psoriatic arthritis: UV light (therapy for severe cases) Anti-inflammatory remedies (to help alleviate the pain) Biologics (a process to block inflammation-causing proteins) Surgery (to replace a joint with a metal counterpart) 6 foods to manage psoriatic arthritis Walnuts Walnuts are a healthful addition to any meal plan, especially for those managing psoriatic arthritis.
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Signs and Causes of High Sugar Intake

Signs and Causes of High Sugar Intake

Sugar is found in many foods, including fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. While sugar is essential for the body to function, an excess is harmful as it can increase the risk of various health problems, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and dental cavities. Therefore, one must track their sugar intake and take steps to reduce it. This post discusses the signs of high sugar consumption, its causes, and remedies to reduce sugar cravings. Signs of excess sugar intake Individuals may experience various symptoms if they go overboard with sugary foods and drinks like soda, candy, cakes, cookies, and ice cream. The signs often develop gradually and may vary in severity. Here are a few examples: Physical signs Excess sugar can trigger inflammation and hormonal imbalances, leading to acne and skin rashes. One may also experience wrinkles due to a loss of skin elasticity. Behavioral signs Eating too many sugary snacks can cause a spike in energy levels. However, it does not last long. As the body utilizes the sugar, one may feel tired. Besides fluctuations in energy levels, individuals might have mood swings. Many feel low after reducing their sugar intake, which only increases their cravings, thus leading to a cycle of dependence on sugary products.
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7 Superfoods for Better Lung Health

7 Superfoods for Better Lung Health

To feel your best, it’s crucial to maintain good lung health. Yet, typical variables like consuming inflammatory foods and being exposed to environmental contaminants like smoke and fumes can have a negative impact on these two vital organs. Studies have shown that lifestyle changes, such as following a nutrient-rich meal plan, can help preserve one’s lungs and even reduce lung damage and illness symptoms. Also, below-listed foods have been found to be particularly advantageous for lung function. 7 foods to keep the lungs healthy Beets The beetroot plant’s vibrantly colored greens and roots contain ingredients that improve lung function. Nitrates, abundant in beetroot and beet greens, have been demonstrated to improve lung function. Nitrates aid in blood vessel relaxation, blood pressure reduction, and improved oxygen uptake. It has been demonstrated that beetroot supplements can help persons with lung disorders, including COPD and pulmonary hypertension, a condition that raises blood pressure in the lungs, perform better physically, and maintain healthy lungs. Beet greens are also rich in antioxidants, including carotenes, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and potassium, all crucial for healthy lungs. Blueberries Blueberries are certainly one of the healthiest fruits we can eat. However, did you know that eating blueberries can also benefit the lungs?
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7 Multiple Myeloma Signs to be Aware of

7 Multiple Myeloma Signs to be Aware of

A multiple myeloma is a rare form of blood cancer that affects the plasma cells in the immune system and may eventually cause life-threatening complications if left untreated. Most people affected by the condition may experience fatigue, unexplained weight loss, muscle aches or weakness, and recurrent infections. Knowing the symptoms helps you identify them, consult a healthcare professional, and treat them early. This blog will discuss seven key signs of multiple myeloma. What is multiple myeloma? This type of blood cancer affects plasma cells, white blood cells that produce antibodies (proteins that help the body fight infections.) In multiple myeloma, the plasma cells become cancerous and multiply uncontrollably, crowding out normal blood cells and forming tumors in bones and other tissues. The abnormal plasma cells in multiple myeloma produce a type of antibody called a monoclonal protein or M protein, which can cause damage to various organs and tissues in the body. The M protein can accumulate in the blood, urine, and other tissues, leading to symptoms such as bone pain, anemia, fatigue, frequent infections, kidney damage, and nerve damage. Seven symptoms of multiple myeloma Fatigue Fatigue is a common symptom of multiple myeloma, which can often be overwhelming. People without myeloma may also sometimes experience fatigue due to stress or illness.
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4 Foods to Boost Blood Circulation and Cell Count

4 Foods to Boost Blood Circulation and Cell Count

A balanced meal plan is essential for overall health and wellness, promoting good blood circulation and maintaining a healthy number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Feeling tired and sluggish could be a sign that the body is not getting the nutrients it needs to keep up the blood cell count. To help improve their energy levels and overall well-being, one should add nutrient-dense foods into meals that can boost blood count. Blood count and circulation A healthy blood count (normal number and types of blood cells in the body) and blood circulation are essential for the body to function. Good blood circulation helps oxygen reach all organs, increasing energy production and reducing fatigue. Meals are one of the most important factors in regulating a healthy blood count and circulation, as nutrients derived from food, such as iron, magnesium, and folate, play key roles in the process. Exercise is also essential for improving circulation since muscles require oxygenated blood for energy. Maintaining a healthy blood count can benefit overall health and well-being in the following ways: Improved immune function : A normal blood count can help support the immune system, which can help prevent infections and diseases.
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4 Important Vitamins for Optimal Eye Health

4 Important Vitamins for Optimal Eye Health

Maintaining good eye health is vital to ensure clear sight and lasting vision. However, many are not aware of the crucial role nutrition plays in keeping one’s eyes healthy. Eating certain healthy foods is an easy and effective way to promote good eye health. Certain vitamins in your foods are eye-friendly and help fight severe eye disorders. Read further to learn about the key vitamins essential for maintaining healthy eyes. Importance of maintaining eye health Vision Your eyes are your primary source of vision, and maintaining eye health is essential to preserve this sense. Regular eye exams and healthy habits such as safeguarding your eyes from UV rays, taking breaks when using electronic devices, using dry eye drops, and healthy eating habits can ensure eye health. Quality of life Good eye health can significantly improve your quality of life. It enables you to efficiently perform everyday tasks such as driving, reading, and watching TV. Maintaining good eye health can also prevent falls and other accidents. Detection of health problems Your eyes can reveal much about your overall health. For example, during an eye exam, an optometrist or ophthalmologist can detect signs of chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and multiple sclerosis.
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Thyroid Cancer – Types, Causes, and Warning Signs

Thyroid Cancer – Types, Causes, and Warning Signs

The thyroid is a tiny butterfly-shaped gland in the neck, which produces hormones that help regulate metabolism. Thyroid cancer occurs when the cells in this gland grow and divide uncontrollably, forming a tumor. This post discusses the disorder’s types, causes, and silent symptoms that some might otherwise overlook. With this information on hand, individuals will be able to assess their level of risk, recognize potential symptoms early, and take steps toward prevention as needed. Types of thyroid cancer Determining the type of thyroid cancer can help better manage the symptoms and seek appropriate treatment. The common types are: Papillary thyroid cancer It is the most commonly found thyroid cancer, affecting around 80 percent of patients with this health condition. However, it typically grows slowly, is unlikely to spread, and is often curable. Follicular thyroid cancer This type of cancer arises from the follicular cells in the thyroid gland. It accounts for approximately ten percent of cases and may be more aggressive than papillary thyroid cancer. Medullary thyroid cancer It is a rare condition that develops in the parafollicular C cells of the gland, which produce and accelerate a hormone called calcitonin. This hormone is often present in increased amounts in people with thyroid cancer.
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5 Severe Signs of Headaches and Management Options

5 Severe Signs of Headaches and Management Options

Headaches, although a common phenomenon, can be brought on by several health conditions. The aches can also be triggered by environmental factors or stress. But, headaches may be accompanied by signs that can also indicate the type and underlying cause. Recognizing the type of headache is the first step to understanding the condition and finding relief. So, here are a few serious signs accompanying headaches that one should not ignore: Dizziness Dizziness can be a serious sign accompanying a headache and is one of the most common migraine symptoms. Those affected by severe headaches can experience a feeling of vertigo or lightheadedness, especially during a migraine attack. It can last from minutes to days. This dizziness may be more severe and disabling than other migraine symptoms, such as sensitivity to light and sound, a pounding headache in one area, or visual disturbances. To lower the risk of dizziness when experiencing a headache, it is important to recognize and avoid triggers, like certain foods or environmental factors, such as weather changes and pollution. Confusion Mental confusion can be a symptom of migraine headaches. Here, one can feel disoriented, confused, and overwhelmed. Additionally, the pain can be accompanied by mental fog, making it difficult to process information or remember things.
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5 Health Conditions That May Trigger Osteoporosis and Bone Loss

5 Health Conditions That May Trigger Osteoporosis and Bone Loss

For many people, osteoporosis and bone loss can be inevitable in aging. However, several health conditions can increase your risk for these conditions even earlier in life. By understanding which illnesses put you at greater risk, you can take proactive steps to maintain healthy bones and reduce your chances of developing serious complications later. This blog will explore five health conditions linked to higher bone loss and how to mitigate the potential damage. What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a health condition in which the bones become weak and brittle, making them more prone to fractures. It is a silent disease because it often develops for years without obvious symptoms until a bone is fractured. Bones are made up of living tissue and are constantly broken down and replaced. In osteoporosis, the bones break down faster than they are replaced, which causes them to become less dense, weaker, and more likely to break. Osteoporosis can affect people of all ages and genders, but it is most common in older adults, especially women. This is because women have less bone tissue than men, losing bone tissue more rapidly after menopause due to the decline in estrogen levels. Risk factors and prevention of osteoporosis Risk factors for osteoporosis include a family history of the disease, a low calcium and vitamin D meal plan, lack of physical activity, and excessive drinking.
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9 Early Signs and Symptoms of Lupus to Note

9 Early Signs and Symptoms of Lupus to Note

Living with a chronic illness such as lupus can be challenging and unpredictable, with the condition changing daily. Knowing its early signs and symptoms is an important part of living with this disease since it allows for better management. This article will discuss nine common symptoms of lupus. Read on to explore the warning signs, from skin rashes to joint pain, and get in touch with a healthcare professional if you identify any of them. What is lupus? Lupus, also known as systemic lupus erythematosus, is a complex autoimmune disease affecting the body’s immune system, which normally protects it against foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. It is a chronic disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks its healthy tissues and organs. It can cause inflammation throughout the body, but mostly in joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, the brain, and other organs. Lupus can affect people differently; its symptoms range from mild to life-threatening. Systemic lupus erythematosus diagnosis often involves an assessment of a patient’s overall health history, physical exams, laboratory tests, and imaging studies like X-rays or ultrasounds. If you experience any of the symptoms detailed below, visiting your physician at the earliest is advisable. 9 early symptoms of lupus Light sensitivity Light sensitivity with lupus occurs when the skin breaks out in rashes or blisters in certain areas as a reaction to sunlight.
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